Learn from the Best

Bert teaches in different roles. See below to find the best fit for you.

6 lessons
4 students
2 teachers
1 day

These masterclasses are truly unique. They are very different from whatusually is considered a masterclass. In Bert's masterclasses there are only 4 students, but there are TWO teachers!The masterclass lasts for a whole day and during that time, the student willget private lessons from both teachers, as well as group lessons where allstudents and both teachers will participate. Not only are there the lessons,but the student will practice individually that same day what is learned in thelessons. Needless to say there are hardly any masterclasses, workshops or lessons wherea student will get so much and different input on one day!op, improvisation, classical, or any other style, you are welcome.

Your biggest reward is freedom in playing the piano and expressing yourself in your music.

Private lessons

Bert loves to teach. Every student is unique and will be approached in a way that fits him or her best.

The biggest reward for Bert is your progression. He considers this more important than the level of playing. An important aspect in Bert's teaching is that you really understand what you are doing. Enhance control over every aspect of playing piano and making music is the goal. This applies to motorical aspects of the use of hands and arms, as well as music theoretical issues.

This approach applies to every music style. Whether you want to develop yourself in jazz, pop, improvisation, classical, or any other style, you are welcome.

Your biggest reward is freedom in playing the piano and expressing yourself in your music.

Your own material evaluated

It is possible to send in your own recorded audio material and have Bert evaluate it through an audio recording that will be send back to you.
Ask for more information about procedure, cost, etc. by email.

Check out the example below.

Play Bert's cryingPause Bert's crying

Becoming a Pro!

Bert has been teaching Jazz and improvisation at the Utrecht Conservatory since 1982.

Contact Bert directly or the Utrecht Conservatory for more information.

Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to common questions about Bert's teaching methods, availability, lesson pricing, and how to prepare for a lesson.

How do I start?

To start learning with Bert, simply reach out to him through email. He will guide you through the process and provide all the necessary information.

What are the fees?

Lesson fees vary depending on the duration and type of lesson. Please contact Bert directly to inquire about the current pricing.

How to prepare?

Before your lesson, make sure to practice and familiarize yourself with the material you want to work on. Bring any specific questions or goals you have in mind, and be ready to collaborate with Bert during the session.

What if I'm a beginner?

Bert welcomes students of all levels, including beginners in his private lessons. He will tailor the lessons to your skill level and help you build a strong foundation in any style you want to work on.

Can I take online lessons?

Yes, Bert offers online lessons for students who are unable to attend in-person sessions. Online lessons provide a convenient way to learn from anywhere in the world. The Interlessons mentioned above, provide another way to learn without attending in person.

Student Testimonials

Read what others have to say about Bert's teaching.

Bert van den Brink: an icon.The exception is not only his incredible musical talents, but especially the combination of these talents with his humane, respectful and often humourous treatment of fellow musicians, students and

everyone around him. In which the love of music always comes first, in playing but also in conversation. At every level, from amateur to world star. A very special human being and musician who is incredibly dear to me, I can only be grateful to have been able to work with him for so many years and to share many loves and sorrows (especially many loves!).


Hannie van Veldhoven

Studying next to Bert was a magical experience! He has a rare ability to understand the student's character in deep ways and then shape the lesson accordingly, in order to enhance the student's musicality. Our lessons were

always a revelation, opening different music doors and  helping me expand my vocabulary. Above all, Bert managed to deliver a very importance message to me:The piano lesson is a laboratory. We do all sorts of experiments to push our limits and even fail sometimes. Then when we perform live, we trust our musicality, our imagination and try to enjoy the moment without judging ourselves too much! Dear Bert, our lessons together will always be one of the most valuable experiences in my life.


Orestis Petrakis

Studying with Bert was such an adventure through mastering well organised music systems and free improvisation. His impact on my music skills and creativity left me in the state of constant curiosity in music. Berts wonderful character

reflects benevolence, honesty and support. I am grateful for the opportunity to acquaint and study with such a unique artist, teacher and person.


Aleksandar Grujic

Bert van den Brink was my principal jazz piano teacher at the Conservatory, and I consider him a musical mentor and inspiration. An hour together at the piano with Bert provides me with weeks of material to explore, replicate,

and experiment with. During such a lesson, he brings a multitude of creative ideas and enrichments, while also being very methodical in delving deeply into a particular concept. Bert approaches music both from an emotional and an academic perspective. His enthusiasm and warm personality are disarming, making you feel comfortable enough to truly express yourself at the piano. I look forward to continuing to involve Bert in my future musical projects.


Floris Lamers

When  I met Bert in 1989 and heard him play, I was mesmerized by his precense and his vision. For me, as a young pianist, there was a lot to explore and Bert guided me towards a line of thought that was and still is both musically

and intellectualy highly inspiring. Thank you Bert!


Jeroen van Vliet

Bert's love for music is infectious. His talent as a pianist is unmatched, and his performances are energizing. Whether you join him at a concert or for a piano lesson, you're guaranteed to leave with a genuine smile on your face.

Bert's enthusiasm and passion for music inspire everyone around him, making each experience memorable and uplifting.


Murat Ali Cengiz

Bert and myself have been working a closely together as jazz educators for more than a decade now. He’s one of the most talented pianists on the planet and littery can do anything on the instrument. His next-level absolute hearing is

legendary in the Netherlands and far beyond. His caring for the students is one you don’t easily find with every teacher - pianist


Rembrandt Frerichs

Even if we talk about asymmetrical minds and architectural hands the whole day, everything still feels so rational and the jigsaw falls into place every time with the way he explains. I would not use the word teacher for Bert, I would say he is a lifetime coach and a brilliant mentor.

Deniz Radgar

Met Bert had ik het vaak over de oneindige toepassingen van harmonie. Naast de wiskundige werking fantaseerden we ook over harmonische symboliek en betekenis - wat er allemaal niet mogelijk is op de piano!

Boudewijn Pleij